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Short Version
Explore Nottingham is a short non-verbal film by Ashley Harvey with a original music created by Andrew Donaldson
The film is about exploration and adventurous spirit, seeing the city open eyed and not in a hurry. I hoped to convey the sense of adventure I felt whilst travelling and exploring the city, showing some of the potentially lesser seen aspects of Nottingham including the waterways, Attenborough Nature Reserve and the amazing transport networks.
Timelapse artist Richard Bentley set me the challenge of making a short 10 – 15 minute film, using timelapse as a narrative technique as is seen in such films as ‘Baraka’ and ‘Samsara’.
Andrew Donaldson – http://soundcloud.com/andydonaldson6
Stuart Eggerton – http://www.youtube.com/user/stuartegg…
Richard Bentley – http://www.richardbentleyfilms.com
Trent River Cruises – http://www.trentcruising.com/